Smart Big Book 365 English Activities

Penulis: Fitri Nurul Aulia
Ukuran: 21 x 27 cm
Tebal: 164 hlm
Penerbit: CikalAksara
ISBN: 978-623-168-036-5
Harga: Rp110.000,-



Smart Big Book 365 English Activities is addressed for kids aged start five years. This book provides various fun games for kids. Smart Big Book 365 English Activities helps kids to know primary English words through appealing activities, such as maze game, coloring and drawing, puzzle, matching the pictures, and many more. All of those activities will help kids in stimulating their fine motor development. With more than forty themes, this book will introduce kids to English words such as numbers, colors, shapes, fruits and vegetables, animals, foods and drinks, toys, transportations, weathers, public places, and matter of things around us. This book introduces kids to more than 800 words. To make it easier for children to learn, the words introduced are equipped with attractive pictures. Not only that, support and guidance from parents is also needed to get maximum learning results. Lastly, we hope this book will be a fun learning medium for kids, especially in Indonesia.

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